Transformation of customer services around the pool
12 mois
- Mobile
- Cloud
The challenge
Support the development of the new product of IrriJardin by designing and developing a mobile application to control their first connected object dedicated to the pool. This application will allow customers to follow the quality of the water in real time and to adapt treatments accordingly.
The solution
We supported Irrijardin from the functional and technical scoping phase to the production launch by creating an architected solution, developed and deployed in an industrialized manner based on the technological standards of the AWS Cloud as a booster. We have implemented a cloud native serverless architecture thanks to AWS services (lambda, cognito,...) as well as a CI/CD platform under GitLab favoring rapid innovation and short development cycles.
The stack used

The results
A native cloud infrastructure allowing a quick time-to-market and elasticity to immediately adapt to the increase in the number of users as well as an application offering an analysis, alert and advice service on mobile for customers wishing to monitor their pool remotely and be alerted on actions to be taken and maintenance advice adapted to the water chemistry. The choice of the AWS cloud-native infrastructure has allowed a very high optimization of the solution's operating costs.
“Highly skilled in Cloud technology. The best resources in Toulouse area. Very professional people.”.