Cloud migration from SAAS agriculture
3 months
- Cloud
- Migration
- Training
The challenge
As part of its business development, Terranis needs to move its on-premise SaaS applications to Google Cloud in order to be able to quickly market them worldwide while ensuring their availability and resilience. The challenge is to be able to respond easily to the fluctuating processing demands of its customers while ensuring the efficiency of the technical solution and guaranteeing that the cloud cost model is aligned with the TerraNIS services business model.
The solution
Stack Labs supported TerraNIS in the migration of its SAAS applications (agricultural optimization tools) to the Google Cloud platform. A first step of on-boarding, architecture and training allowed to set up the fundamentals and the native cloud services offered by Google Cloud (IAM, Security, Network). We focused on migrating the SaaS application (replatforming) by maximizing the use of managed services to limit Ops activities and optimize the cost of using the services (Firebase / GKE / Composer).
The stack used

The results
The growth of the TerraNIS business is now supported by an elastic platform that reduces the operating and maintenance costs associated with the application. The acceleration of the deployment cycle and the provision of a secure architecture by design have enabled Terranis to commercialize its application in a timely manner for the South American market.
“TerraNIS est actuellement dans une démarche de déploiement de ses services sur le cloud afin de les rendre disponibles en mode SaaS pour ses clients en France et à l’export. Les équipes de Stack Labs nous ont accompagné dans le choix d’un opérateur de cloud (GCP en l’occurrence) adapté à nos contraintes ainsi que dans la définition et la mise en place de l’architecture cible sur cette plateforme. Cette prestation nous a permis de constater que leur niveau de maitrise de cet environnement est total et nous permet d’envisager aujourd’hui avec eux la migration effective de nos applications vers GCP.”