Setting up the AWS landing zone
1,5 months
- Architecture
- Cloud
- Coaching
The challenge
Truffaut wanted to migrate on-premise test/release workloads to the cloud in order to de-commission part of the on-premise IT.
Truffaut also wanted to be able to globally manage its platform and optimise its AWS costs by implementing Cloud best practices.
The solution
Stack Labs helped Truffaut to structure its AWS organisation with the implementation of a Terraform Landing Zone allowing it to manage the organisation of its infrastructure centrally and to automate future deployments.We also helped them set up their network interconnections with dedicated network connections to AWS thanks to AWS Direct Connect and the implementation of the central AWS Transit Gateway hub to simplify their network.
The stack used
The result
Truffaut now has a unique tool that allows it to manage its entire AWS organisation in a scalable and repeatable way thanks to a terraform.
The implementation of cloud and network best practices has facilitated the operability and resilience of the system.